The Mighty Spirit of a Little Girl: Little Heroine

I once noticed a little girl playing with her brothers while sitting on the roadway on my way to the market. While working, her mother was also present selling vegetables, sitting a bit apart from her kids. She was a lovely woman. I used to buy vegetables from her mother's vegetable stall.

The way a mother works and how this young girl looks after her younger brother so that her mother can work, amazed me. I simply stand a little distance away from them and stare at them while I move. As I was waiting there, I noticed that her little brother began to cry. She immediately ran to her mother to obtain food for him and made him eat it. She fed him, cleaned him up, and then began to play with him.

Gazing at the people passing by in the bustling market, the inquisitive little girl with big goals and a high degree of innocence looked towards them. Some people are selling things, some are driving, some are walking, etc. The girls are watching everyone closely. I took this photo as the little girl became afraid of a beggar that appeared out of nowhere. The little girl’s abrupt response, which was wonderfully caught in the picture. I went there and reassured the little girl that it’s simply a beggar and nothing more after noticing that she was afraid. Then she calmed down.

With reference to the image itself, the little girl appears afraid, but in terms of the narrative that surrounds it, the situation is very different. You will be astounded by this girl’s story, who at such a young age demonstrates courage and inspiration.  When I questioned her after that, if she was hungry, think about his elegance that she replied that she wasn’t. She replied that she had eaten and was not hungry. I was astounded, looking at her grace, at how this small child, who does not even know if she will eat that night, managed to turn down the offer of food without even grabbing the chance.

I was struck by how generous she is despite her young age. When I was speaking with her, she showed no hesitation at all. Her tiny hands, full of unshakeable conviction and fortitude to face life with bravery and dignity. I enquired about her educational status and whether she was continuing her studies. She responded with assurance that she was in class two and was pursuing her studies.

I then questioned her about her reason for being out on the road. She said that she had come here to assist her mother with her work after school. Another thing that amazed me about the little girl was how much of a sense of accountability this little girl had for supporting her mother. Since it’s uncommon to witness a young child with such feeling.

I could not stop thinking about that little girl when I got home after that. She inspired me so much that I learnt how to be brave, responsible, and self-respecting as well as how to support and care for our families. This is among the most wonderful examples of how a child should be like and how they should conduct themselves.

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