A Colorful Chandelier: Lighting Up the Night

A Colorful Chandelier: Lighting Up the Night

I took this photo of a colorful chandelier that I noticed one evening while out at a restaurant. A perfect example of creativity and imagination transformed into sparkling beauty. It was my wife’s birthday and we decided to celebrate it at one of the famous rooftop eateries in the city. We want to spend that … Read more

Golden Hanging lights: Elevating Space & Decor

Golden Hanging lights: Elevating Space & Decor

One day when I went to the market, I noticed pamphlets taped to the walls. The pamphlet mentioned about a fair of hanging lights and much more, that some college students are organizing, wherein participants from various backgrounds will set up stalls to showcase their goods. I took note of the date and left for … Read more

Broken Street Light and Its Unusual Story

A Picture of Broken Street Light

The beginning of this uncommon narrative occurred when, one dusk, I was out on my own and noticed a broken street light that stood upright. There was something unusual about this broken street light, though like other street lights nearby, this broken one was also glowing but it was murky as compared to others. There … Read more

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