A Timeless Buddha Statue: The Silent Sage

A Timeless Buddha Statue: The Silent Sage

While visiting one of the beautiful cities of India, I noticed this wonderful Buddha statue sitting in between the garden as an emblem of peace, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment. This is the most popular posture for Buddha statue, “Dhyana Mudra” or contemplative pose, in which the Buddha sits cross-legged with his hands resting on his … Read more

“Call to Jesus”: Embracing Jesus Magic

Call to Jesus, Christ with arms open wide

Few subjects in the centuries-old tradition of culture have provoked as strong feelings and captured the imagination as call to Jesus Christ. The miracles that Jesus accomplished from healing, feeding those who were starving, consoling the bereaved to curing the ill, were unbelievable and makes people mesmerized. The pain that Jesus endured while being criticized, … Read more

Monkey God “The Great Hanuman”

Photo of The mighty Monkey God: Hanuman

Hanuman, “The Mighty Monkey God” son of the wind God vayu and anjana, a heavenly goddess who was cursed to live on earth in the form of a monkey but now has millions of followers worldwide according to Hindu mythology and held a special place in heart of devotees. In famous epic saga “Ramayana” his … Read more

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