Broken Street Light and Its Unusual Story

The beginning of this uncommon narrative occurred when, one dusk, I was out on my own and noticed a broken street light that stood upright.

There was something unusual about this broken street light, though like other street lights nearby, this broken one was also glowing but it was murky as compared to others. There was something about this unsaid broken street light that struck me, so I took a picture of it.

Every person on the planet has a unique tale to tell, one that is replete with their own personal hardships and challenges. I feel like I’m seeing that exact person’s reflection in this broken street light. During the chilly dusk, when the evening sky is turning into the darkness of night. The entire street was illuminated and there is one light which is flickering and broken with dull light. Similar to how occasionally, in the midst of darkness, a person simply holds themselves while smiling and moving on. This photograph also captures the current situation of the thriving town and the challenges that its streets have endured.

I was reminded by this broken street light, that in life, people come and go; some become successful some struggles whole life, and between all this you must stand tall bearing all wound and bruises with a positive attitude, perseverance and working hard to survive.

This click teaches us that although we all face challenges that break and fade us, but as long as we maintain our resilience, we can overcome any obstacles that would come in our life’s. The broken street light tells the tale of the forbearance, resiliency, and endurance that everyone of us possesses like this broken street light tolerate the harsh weathers, extreme rains, winds and more.

Aside from this, the broken light has also evolved into a symbol that unites people and serves as a meeting place. I observed people laughing and chatting in groups beneath its hazy light. Also, several were gloomy and alone beneath the street light. The broken street light acting as a silent watcher of life, witnessing everyone’s happiness and misery.

However, the tale of the broken lamp will always hold a special place in my heart as a reminder that, even in the darkest of circumstances, one must always shine through their inner light. Eventually, you will realise that nothing in this world is permanent and that everything fades with time, so all you have to do is keep moving forward with hope and everything will be fixed and come to places eventually.

The crack and rust on the lamp glass symbolises how everything ages with time, including relationships, objects, emotions, and people, and how caring for them is vital to prolonging their lives. Everyone experiences low points throughout their lives, and given opportunities, they eventually rises to success and optimism.

The link between hope and despair is analogous to that between light and dark. Despite its obvious imperfections, broken and rusted; it is continuing to radiate brightness until it completely fades away, a reminder that no one is flawless, everyone has something unique to offer, and that we should all be valued for who we are.

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