Birds Meeting Point: “The Splash and Chat Spot”

The river's flowing water looks brilliant as dusk draws near and the sun sets. A flock of birds approached a weir (a small dam) and dove into it. After spending some time enjoying in the cool water, the group of birds began to emerge one by one on the cemented platform of weir, at ‘Birds Meeting Point,’ far from other people in a setting that makes them feel comfortable and protected and surrounded by their own folk.

With a splash and a flutter, they dip into the cool waters, washing away the dust of the day. When they emerged, they were meticulously attempting to shook off the shimmering droplets clinging to their feathers and exchanging friendliness while being beautiful. A few of them move their long, chic necks to delight in the beauty of the river surrounding them.

It seems that the open river water consistently making the birds feel calms after an exhaustive day of wandering by letting them cherish this wonderful splash and chat spot ‘birds meeting point’ and lifting their spirits. A group of birds is chirping all around the centre of the river, telling each other stories in their native tongue about their adventures during the day. With this flock of birds together and their voice resonating with the sound of running water, the river seemed more alive today.

I captured this picture at the exact moment where birds appear to gather every day, ‘The Birds Meeting Point,’ and it serves as their gathering place where they hold conferences, parliaments, daily talks, and debates. “The Splash and Chat Spot” – the birds meeting spot for a refreshing bath and some juicy gossip.

Just interested and for fun sake, what could have been the matter of discussion at the birds meeting point by this flock?

The conversation subjects would have varied as the birds themselves. Some would have squawked excitedly about the latest worm-catching trends, while others urged a debate on the finest methods for building nests. It could be any topic. Also, there were some birds that sounded like they were fighting instead of chatting, as though they could not agree with themselves over something.

There might be sharing stories of their narrow escapes from hungry predators, epic journeys across vast landscapes, and heartwarming tales of friendship.

More people who were wandering there, gathered, watching, how exquisitely they were enjoying their company sitting together, exactly like human gathers for meeting and occasions. Like humans, these creatures get together with their companions to celebrate life’s beauties and discuss their life’s.

These birds are given food from several people who were strolling on the barrage of the weir. They are eating the food one by one and seem very adorable while doing so. While some birds were preventing others from eating and are trying to eat themselves, others are becoming enraged with one another. Observing these small creatures in action was lovely.

And, so, the riverbank birds said goodbye to another day of splashing and chatting after their magnificent gathering at the birds meeting point. They take to the skies, hearts full of camaraderie with flurry of feathers, prepared to face whatever adventures were ahead and to come back again for tomorrow’s parliament at the same splash and chat spot.

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