3 Lazy Friends: Posing on the Wetland Tower

The sun is about to set in a stunning, desolate location, and the sky is painted an orange-yellow hue. I noticed a lovely, long watch tower in the centre of the wetland area, and 3 lazy friends were standing there, appearing to be exhausted.

A watchtower with worn timbers rising tall against the expansive marshes sits at the center of this enchanted region. From the top, a plethora of stunning views are visible. The serene waters of the lake below are bathed in a golden glow as the sun descends into it.

After capturing that moment from a distance, I visited them. I started talking to them just as I get there, and while taking to them came to know that they are buddies. I showed them their clicked image and presented it to 3 lazy friends. They chuckled as they demonstrate their laziness by standing and staring. They are from the same college, I discovered when we spoke, and since they spend most of their time at college, they came here looking for anything to refresh themselves.

Though they had an exhausted day, we got along great while taking, and the 3 lazy friends told me about their friendship foundations and how it began. I was astounded to learn that the lads had been friends since elementary school, since we rarely witness friendships lasting this long these days. In addition to this, the fact that three of them chose the same college as the other two (as earlier, one of them was enrolled in some other college and he left the college and got himself enrolled with other twos). Here, the trio of lazy friends embarked on their life’s journey to become something in their shared existence.

Because they get along so well, these 3 lazy friends are highly well-liked in their college. They are continuously made fun of by everyone for their constant unity. Along with going to class, they also play and eat and shared room together. The basis of the three of them having a close friendship is that despite distinctions, they were alike in various ways. One of them was very calm and the other two were bubbly. Three of them laughs together and enjoy each other’s company.

I perceived a deep connection between them that transcends all boundaries. They had an everlasting connection, in my opinion. It seems like they will always have each other’s backs and love each other just as much in the future, no matter where they end up.

After a while, an unexpected breeze of wind started up, and we all simply came down the watchtower and began to walk. They became my good friends even though I did not know them before, and even though our backgrounds and colleges are different, we get along well.

The breeze was really calming at the lake where we were hanging out. With the 3 lazy friends, I had a great time and they were quite cool. They asked me to come along and have something with them before leaving as they were hungry and were planning on eating something. I went with them. Following that, they left for their college and I arrived at my flat.

The trio of 3 lazy friends was very cool and cheerful. I enjoyed with them a lot. I wish to meet them again some other time.

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